Friday, September 2, 2011

cornflakes madu hangus

saja-saja cuba buat,selalu mama yang buat.. entah kenapa tetiba je nak tolong.. tengah masak madu tu lupa pulak nak jaga. sekali tengok, dah hangus rupanya.. macam cornflakes madu hangus.. minta maaf la pada sesiapa yang bakal beraya tu. makan je ape yang ade. terima kasih.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

mulut-mulut pedas

laman sosial ni tempat-tempat perli memerli secara berkias ke?? perlu ke perli-perli orang ni. kite nak perli mesti tengok situasi jugak kan .tapi kadang-kadang ade orang mulutnyer main lepas aje. manusia-manusia, bulan-bulan puasa ni jangan iri hati dengan orang lain. kurang pahala. rolling my eyes, making annoying face.. erghhhh...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

the truth

yes.. i admit that, i will update the blog when i wanted too.
yes.. i made this blog just for fun not to attract people to read my blog. like what i do to others blogger.
yes.. my english is suck, but who cares.. i'm learning..
yes.. u dont have to leave comment or visit my blog but if u ever did, i hope u enjoyed it.
yes.. i'm a malay but i also write in malay maa check it la my previous post.

its not wrong right if we wanted to improved our english skills.. dont condemn me la.. aiyoo..
that particular person is looking down at the wrong person. dush, im punching u in my dreams. erghhh.. hoping to get some peace.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

blog walking, crawling and what so ever..

baru je pas baca blog bvlgarigirl.. xtaw la btol ke x eja sbb x mampu nk beli barang2 brand tu..lgpn malas nk huhu.. what a sad love story.. hmm, i've been following that blog since 2009 lg.. semenjak blog saya ni tercipta.. tp sejak2 akhir2 ni dh jarang dh die citer pasal love story die.. hoping that everything is ok for her.. lalala.. sejak akhir ni byk plak org publish blog dgn iklan berlambak2, not really into it la.. byk blog yg famous, makin byk plak iklan.. huhu.. nk cri blogger bez tnpa perlu baca iklan2 tu.. lejohnhadry is great too a bit 19++ but still great la, cuma lme giler beliau x update2.... haha.. :D excited mood, going somewhere soon.. lala~~

kesian kawan saya.. die macam kena kondem je.. xpela, sabar je la yer.. hidup ni x tentu hala.. kejap org x puas ati.. kejap org suke.. biase la tu.. :) life is hard if u didnt know how to handle it.. try to take things not to serious la yer..

Thursday, August 11, 2011


just read one of the most funnies blog n the most hilarious blogger that i really like so much.. i've laugh so much.. thanks for making my day brighter.. haha~~ owh, BOXER KEDUT is awesome!! nice blog n nice blogger.. Keep it up, keep making people laugh with your piece and advices.. :)

what a dull and hectic day today.. huh..